Friday, January 31, 2020

Last day of January

During January we have had some smoke filled skies due to the fires in the South East of Victoria

The sun was eerie looking and was a lot redder than these pictures

There also have been some dust storms of red dust

which accounts for the colour of the water across this pathway

We have had some lovely clear days for walking and caught up with these ducks on their travels

I always love seeing another wattle tree out in blossom

The Jacaranda trees always do well in the summer time.

That's all for now,



Sandi said...

It’s been awhile since I’ve read your blog. How are you doing? I’ve not heard a lot about the fires lately. Are they getting them under control yet?

Hard to believe we’re about the change seasons. Our Spring bulbs are bursting thru with leaves and some blooms. Perfect except for this virus that is making the rounds.

Hope you are staying well. I’m self distancing for the most part going out every few days for a walk along the quay enjoying the late Winter sunshine.

Stay safe.

Sandi said...

It’s been awhile since I’ve visited your blog.

Hope all is well with you I haven’t heard anything about the fires. I’m hoping they are finally getting control of them.

It’s hard to believe that we’re almost at the change of the seasons, some of our Spring bulbs are sending leaves and blossom out. Every few days I go for a walk but I’m self distancing myself because of the virus. Hoping it’s going to get under control soon.

Enjoying the last few days of Winter sunshine. Take care.