Monday, April 25, 2016

Anzac Day and Autumn

We have been having some lovely warm sunny days during this Autumn time

The leaves are beginning to show their Autumn tones

Even when the leaves have fallen on to the ground they make a lovely display.

During my walk I saw a lot of flowers

The wattle trees have started to blossom

I saw these wind flowers which always make a lovely display

and this well planted wheel barrow

as well as this banksia

and these silver birches.

These flowering bushes add a lot of colour

It is a lovely time of year.

It is  Anzac Day today, a day in which to remember the people who served and died in wars and conflicts.

Lest we forget

That's all for now,



Sandi said...

What gorgeous Autumn colours Nessie! You have some wonderful trees and plants I've never seen in person.

I love the Wattle and Banksia blossoms.

Lovely photos for a sad remembrance.

Heather said...

looks like a nice area for walking. I walk most every day and tend to follow the same route. Only so many streets in my small settlement area. Some days I walk the route in reverse and it's like a whole new place viewed from the other direction. I should take my camera more often. Our trees are just starting to leaf out. By the end of the week most every thing should be green.