Monday, September 30, 2013

Last day of September

Whilst going for a walk I saw these tulips

and these pretty pink bells

as well as this pretty standard

and these cactus plants.

Spring is a lovely time of of the year.

That's all for now,



Sandi said...

Nessie, your spring flowers look lovely. We had a rain and wind storm over the weekend to welcome in Autumn here on the west coast of Canada. Got the fire going to stay warm.

Enjoy your lovely flowers.

Karen Mallory said...

Pretty flowers! We are in Fall here in USA. I love that time of year. Take care Nessie.
hugs karen

Heidi said...

Dear Nessie,
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Your flower pics are very beautiful. While we are headed towards winter, you will have the summer season on its way.
Have a wonderful week.