Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Spring flowers already!

 I saw a magnolia tree covered with all these pretty flowers on one of my walks.
 The wattle trees have flowered well this year.
 A pretty camelia
 Some red hot pokers
 The jonquils are always make a nice show.
 One of my favourite plants commonly known as "elephant ears"
This is one of our sweet smelling daphne plants in our garden.  It always makes a nice show every year.

The above are some of the lovely spring flowers we are enjoying this year.

That's all for now,



Sandi said...

Lovely photos Nessie, you must be enjoying all this lovely colour!

Heidi said...

Hello Nessie,
So nice to see that Spring is on its way at your place. Your pics are so beautiful...Have a lovely week ahead...Heidi