Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy St. Valentine's Day

 This is a bag I made for myself using a pattern by Rhonda Thornley  called 'Sam's Tote'.  It was featured in a recent Handmade Magazine.  I put different handles on the bag and increased the depth by adding a piece of fabric across the top of the bag.

I decided to jazz up the back of the bag by inserting a piece of the heart fabric I had left over.

That's all for now,


Wednesday, February 12, 2014


 Early yesterday morning we had visitors in the form of a couple of cheeky cockatoos.
 One was inquisitive and gave our place a good inspection.

 My husband suggested that they were looking for more of the almonds to eat.

Later that morning we took a drive to Grants Picnic Ground in the Dandenong Ranges.

 There are lovely trails to walk along and the trees are so tall.
 There are plenty of cockatoos here and there is a area for people visiting to feed them
and as a result they have no fear of humans at all as you can  see from the pictures.

 The colour of the inside of their wings are great to see.
 There is of course a café for people to visit.
The cockatoos are flying away to nearby trees in this picture but I am sure it will not be long before they came back!

That's all for now,


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Jacob's ladder blocks

I enjoyed making these blocks.  I will be giving them to my quilt guild as a contribution to the gift quilt effort.  It will be interesting what block they ask us to make next time.

That's all for now,
